South Australia Water elected to use a 30-metre Wagners CFT Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) truss bridge across a channel drain from the main carpark off Chandlers Hill Road at Happy Valley Reservoir to the Southern Loop Walking Trail in Adelaide, South Australia.

Happy Valley Reservoir pedestrian bridge was designed by Wagners Composite Fibre Technologies (CFT) and certified by icubed engineering.  The bridge was delivered in three pieces before being spliced together on site and lifted onto the abutments by principal contractors Team Civil and Punch Manufacturing.

The lightweight and modular nature of FRP helps improve speed during installation by allowing structures to be assembled off site, then trucked and craned into position.  As well as positively impacting budgets, improved downtime of community assets is also achieved.

FRP is the perfect solution for the pedestrian bridge access at Happy Valley Reservoir because it’s:

  • Durable – with a 100-year design life
  • Inert – so will not rot, rust or corrode
  • Cost effective – through reduced maintenance/replacement cycles
  • Resistant – to termites and acid sulfate soils

Happy Valley Reservoir is just 35 minutes from the city of Adelaide and provides a unique escape in the heart of Adelaide’s southern suburbs for locals to walk the extensive trail network, enjoy a picnic or access the reservoir for fishing, kayaking, canoeing or simply exploring the shoreline.

Happy Valley Reservoir Pedestrian Bridge, SA

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