The Dig Tree on Nappa Merrie Station, Durham in the Shire of Bulloo in Queensland Australia is a heritage listed tree of national significance.  In 2020, the Dig Tree Reserve was refurbished with a path and boardwalk to protect the roots of the heritage-listed trees. The refurbishment project included remedial work to the waterway to protect the Dig Tree site from soil erosion.

Due to the geographical location and remoteness of this site, it was important that a low maintenance and yet structurally adequate boardwalk and deck be erected. The location of the site is south west QLD and is subject to some of the harshest conditions with temperatures often over 55° Celsius in summer and sub-zero in winter. The effect the heat has on building material in this area is unforgiving and harsh which diminishes the lifespan of building materials dramatically, therefore Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) structural profiles were the perfect material for the project.

Transport costs were also significantly reduced due to the light weight nature of FRP and due to the historical and cultural significance of the location, it was imperative that the three trees were not harmed or have the root systems tampered with. Stumps were strategically placed to avoid damage.  The Reserve is now welcoming and safe to visitors whilst protecting the heritage-listed trees.

“The tree that we currently call the Dig Tree is called that because one of the men from the pioneering expedition to the Gulf who was left at the depot, a guy called William Brahe, carved the word ‘dig’ on the tree to indicate that he’d buried something under the tree.” – 21 April 1861

Burke & Wills Dig Tree Pedestrian Boardwalk

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